
Independence Day 2024-Part II

Has India benefited? If yes, how? how much? If not to the extent it should have, WHY? We now cannot blame it on subjugation, the conscripted laborer Indians who went through much worse, are now the most prominent citizens in respective nations where they were taken as slaves.  We cannot blame on invaders; we have had a straight eight decades of self-rule and governance. We cannot blame it on segregation, or systematic knowledge monopoly or restriction, we have more mobile phones and access to information than any other country.  Many would ask, what's wrong with how we are, we are okay with things as long as it all adds up a semblance of order amidst the chaos, we take pride in it and in the all-round mediocrity. Where Indians shine everywhere they migrate to and make it to the very top of the social ecosystem, when it comes to India, we lack intent, will and a determined concerted effort.  And by investing in our progressive agenda of responsible living and actions based on the an

Independence Day 2024-Part I

Every 15th August is an opportunity to celebrate, to commemorate and to contemplate! Greeting is a formality, but can it become an opportunity to contemplate, conserve and share the identity and experience of being Indian and Independent and an independent Indian.  This is more than celebrating the independence from 200 years of oppression from the British, we have to remember it was close to a thousand years of invasion, oppression, violence and destruction from the immediate predecessors the Mughals to a multitude of Assassin squads that came in repeatedly to take away the riches and exploit the region, trying to destroy our identity and eliminate our culture, bringing us to the knees by subjugation and killing all hope. But we stayed Indian all the way, albeit adopting new religions and traditions but still Indian at heart, spirt and soul. We still identify ourselves as Indians first. It is a testament and a reminder that despite having embroiled in a continuous thousand-year war, t
Happy Independence, or Non-dependence ? (Part-2) The Interdependence day! This 15th of August 2023, marking the Independence.                                                                                       How does one see it today ? Is it a happy day or sad day ? How important is it? These questions cannot be ansered without due consideration to what we went through as a nation and where we are now and considering where we stand in terms of realising our potential as a nation,  where we can we possibly and realistically be? We can mark the day the way we want but cannot forget the struggle of millions who laid down their lives and sacrificed their lives to get us the independence and the progress that has come with the independence. So, a thing to ponder is… What we and our government and institutions can make of this independence to realise a society and nation that fosters development and equity of health, education, opportunity, progress and well-being and how can we do to ge
Happy Independence, or is it non- dependence? (Part -1) As we mark the 15th of August, we allude to the most important date in the Indian calendar after the personal milestones of our lives. Yet, there is difference in how each one perceives this day and the celebration of it. It also becomes an aspect of contention, while the complexities, the context and the convenors are singled out while people take a side and justify it from their point of view, while the very ethos of what a nation, especially India stands for is defined by the diversity, the respect comes from the fact that there is unity despite diversity.  And in that regard, we need to acknowledge the power of humanity in its full glory here in India. But it doesn't mean we can ignore certain truths and certain realities which require realignment if we have to forge a resolute and resilient nation that is poised for great times ahead.  The fact that India allows for such divergent viewpoints in all aspects and fie
                                         In Memoriam:  Mother- the sanctuary... The bedrock, the foundation, the pillar and the shelter who nurtured, harboured and sustained all of us.  To the hero who endured through all of life’s troubles and obstacles and triumphed with sheer patience, forbearance and fortitude leaving behind a legacy of simplicity, grace and humanity.  Our dear teacheramma, Living by example  Our teacher, guide, mentor, role model and inspiration, the anchor and the rudder of the entire family, one who endured the hardest of times, protected us from the toughest of circumstances and sustained us  through the worst of life’s problems giving  everything for the benefit and upliftment of the family, relatives, friends and everyone in the ecosystem.  My angel guardian, the Daiva Swaroopa, our redeemer and beloved mother. I have many memories of you, we all do. And the most endearing images that flash before us when we think of you is always the resourceful kind, the dy

Independence Day Reckoning !

   Our Nation’s 75th Independence Day! Wishing a day of gratitude for the efforts that went into making this nation possible and a day of reckoning for what was supposed to be and what we ended up with, while pondering on what can be. The 15th of August 1947 marked the breakaway from both the colonial rule as well as an internal strife, yet the evils and perils of both linger on to this day.  But, what we have to realise is the fact that blood was shed and the martyrdom and sacrifice of millions prevailed over the imperial forces and the invaders and marauders many times in the past too. And yet this was an opportunity to rise together as a nation and march towards a golden era of the best in humanity, replete with reasoning, rationality and great resourcefulness, but more importantly the conscientious and conscious way of living that so defined India where humanity seems to be doing some soul searching for millennia and has been reaching out to the deepest, the most profound and groun