Happy Independence, or is it non- dependence? (Part -1)
As we mark the 15th of August, we allude to the most important
date in the Indian calendar after the personal milestones of our lives.
Yet, there is difference in how each one perceives this day and
the celebration of it.
It also becomes an aspect of contention, while the complexities,
the context and the convenors are singled out while people take a side and
justify it from their point of view, while the very ethos of what a nation,
especially India stands for is defined by the diversity, the respect comes from
the fact that there is unity despite diversity. And in that regard, we
need to acknowledge the power of humanity in its full glory here in India. But
it doesn't mean we can ignore certain truths and certain realities which
require realignment if we have to forge a resolute and resilient nation that is
poised for great times ahead.
The fact that India allows for such divergent viewpoints in all
aspects and fields is a testament to the strength of its nationhood, the
constitution and the continuing ancient beliefs, traditions and practices.
However, amidst all the differences and dialogues, the threat of
deflection from the very axis of our existential edge in terms of cohabitation
and collaboration takes a back seat and becomes conflicting.
There is little merit in vilifying or deifying the past players without
fully understanding the context. There are so many factors that went into
creating a common narrative and some do seem forces, contrived and highly
contentious, and as we stand at another inflexion point in our long-standing
history, the current problems, the current situation demands a strong appraisal
of everything in the light of facts and unbiased research as a search for
the truth and as a long due, yet essential quest to know our past and appreciate
our present and to know us better.
Having such a diverse and distinct lineage, at least from a human
ethno-social perspective, entrenched in an amazing mix of cultures, traditions,
conflicts, concepts and stark geographical contradictions, that we are called a
sub-continent, yet we stand as an eclectic mix of almost impossible divergence,
interestingly converging into a confluence continuum of various vibrant
vignettes that is both colourful and awe-inspiring as a civilization and nation.
As in all long journeys, the ups and downs are the inevitable
truths that define our history. The fact that we have had a tremendous as
well as a tumultuous past cannot be ignored, and within the ebbs and flows of a
dramatic shoreline where every causeway hyphenates a dynamic path where they
have been trudging along to scale the heights of human endeavour, span the entire
width of pursuit in every topic of interest and delving the deepest for exploring
the possibilities of human mind trying to carve the path for human progress
while being at the helm of human imagination and enterprising indignation
towards purposes beyond martial and material conquests, which by itself is the
greatest tribute to India as a nation.
Inevitably, we had to endure the tests and ravages of time, the illustrious
past has seen some glorious achievements in all fields, some inglorious lows at
certain times, and embarrassing gaffes coming from such a great nation, but
these were only aberrations while the norm was aligned towards humanity.
This supposition doesn't come from jingoism, but rather as a
realisation after assessing what we were actually capable of based on factual
evidence, there was no way the treasure hunt of India by the religiously motivated marauders nor the
endless commercially motivated European conquests could have ever survived the
onslaught of a combined Indian force, if our forefathers had stood as a unified
front, not only due to the size of the Indian populace, but the sheer abundance
of skill, talent and technologies that was available to India at all times
compared to the rest of the world and the fact that Indians communicated with
each other and have had long established languages both written and oral where
every aspect of proficiency and edge in all conceivable fields was present in
the most emphatic manner here be it Agriculture, Architecture, Arts, Commerce,
Administration, Literature or Philosophy, and the all-important Science,
Medicine, Lifesciences, Cosmology, Math, Astronomy, Martial Arts and the
advanced Technology and thought line that pervades all fields and disciplines,
and most of which are so inexplicably advanced that modern observers assign it
to Alien Invasion and Assimilation when it comes to such grand aspects and
features in India.
The only reason there were significantly low periods dotting the
amazing human graph of humanity's best and greatest achievements here is the
lack of unity and the betrayal of cause, thus losing out on purpose.
So, as expected, the fallout has been in many forms but the most
telling is that of dissonance leading to violence or systemic oppression due to
domination and discrimination.
It was not resolved as there was no platform to engage on equal
terms, especially when it comes peaceful co-existence it requires mutual understanding,
and when it comes to maintaining peace amidst external oppression, it requires
unification of resources and people to put a united fight, rising above the
limits and differences for a larger, more imposing and imminent danger and that’s
exactly how the brave and selfless millions joined together and fought in order
to overcome the multi-fold threats from so many fronts, thus culminating in the
successful retreat of the British Crown which epitomised imperial oppression at
its worst here in India.
This 15th of August 2023, marking the Independence. How does one see it today ?
it a happy day or sad day ? How important is it?
These are things to ponder.