In Memoriam: Mother- the sanctuary...
The bedrock, the foundation, the pillar and the shelter who nurtured, harboured and sustained all of us.
To the hero who endured through all of life’s troubles and obstacles and triumphed with sheer patience, forbearance and fortitude leaving behind a legacy of simplicity, grace and humanity.
Our dear teacheramma,
Living by example
Our teacher, guide, mentor, role model and inspiration, the anchor and the rudder of the entire family, one who endured the hardest of times, protected us from the toughest of circumstances and sustained us through the worst of life’s problems giving everything for the benefit and upliftment of the family, relatives, friends and everyone in the ecosystem.
My angel guardian, the Daiva
Swaroopa, our redeemer and beloved mother.
I have many memories of you, we all do. And the most endearing images that flash before us when we think of you is always the resourceful kind, the dynamic ones, the most gracious images of you writing something, painting something, doing or getting the household work done without it making it seem a chore and of serving food and making efforts in planning, shopping, packing and distributing gifts and food to the family, relatives and to the extended families while making sure we get what we want and making the very best available to us.
Your attributes were so many that I
have always been in awe and never had to look elsewhere for inspiration.
Even my best habits, the search for knowledge and wisdom stems from your reading habit and your keenness in knowing it deep and well.
Thank you Mother.
Reason, rectitude and Rationality
Never the one to gossip or indulge in small talk, nonetheless she facilitated gatherings and discussions where each one of us had the liberty and freedom to voice our opinion without worrying of being judged, we all were regularly questioned and reasoned with but never judged, which gave us the freedom to pursue our interests.
She personified Grace, forbearance,
patience and discipline like no other I have seen in my entire life.
She lived with such simplicity and yet such high ideals, that at least for me, she has been the determining factor of my every single decision and the very approach to Life itself.
Mother, came across as a soft
personality, but where it was required, she was stern without being harsh like
only a true teacher can, never once was there any bias, she was never partial
and always treated us and all who she came across with the same empathy and
kindness that made her the favourite person of every generation, from the
elderly who treated her like a daughter, the neighbours who treated her as
family, and to all of us you has been a true embodiment of humanism, from being
there to guide and provide in whatever capacity she could to anyone who came by
without making it seem obvious or as a favour but as a nurturing extension of
Showing all of us how to live honourably and even for the youngest who like us are in awe of the personality and qualities that has been an epitome of humane behaviour spanning across generations and across extended families, relatives and friends.
She was fair and just in everything
she did,
And she did everything with utmost sincerity, be it Religion or tradition or spirituality, it was never imposed on us, but she always shared the best aspects of being a true person by practising it in the most earnest and ensuring manner.
Not easy to please, because she set
the highest standards in morality, ethics and conduct and lived by it in every
way, but didn’t judge people and always had clarity on what’s right and true
and stuck to it, there was never any malice or agenda behind what she said and
There was only sincerity, empathy and true commitment in everything she did.
She spoke less but listened quietly
and carefully and when she spoke, it was incisive and steadfast, as
straightforward as they come.
Didn’t hesitate to call a spade a
But it was never about grudges or
ego, it was always about right way and righteousness, so people including me
had to always respect and accept the insights realising the depth and
Even tempered, almost zen like
Never have I seen the presumed stereotype behaviour, no mood swings no blaming hormonal fluctuations and no using the women card, I am amazed at how even tempered she has been and I don’t ever remember for once seeing her been irritable and or having seen here smirk or take out her frustration on us.
Haven’t seen such a gracious host,
the sincerest smile, true warmth and the ever-welcoming demeanour, people felt
it was their home.
Amma’s house epitomised Amma’s hospitality
and the fact that each one got what they wanted, didn’t matter when they showed
up, everyone was served their preferred choices amongst the choicest food,
never once disappointing anyone who came home even the people who worked in the
And it’s not just us the immediate
family who say that, we heard every person who have known and met her, the
relatives she harboured and gave shelter to, the many who sought her help and
the people who worked for her, everyone missed her presence yesterday as if she
was their own and grieved as if it was their own mother, sister and aunt, even
her In-laws side of the family always had immense respect for her, many calling
her their own mother and all of them having so many episodes as the fondest and
most profound memories of their lives.
And if we think this was it, she was just this kind hearted, velvet gloved iron fisted Good Samaritan.
No, she was more,
Patience and forbearance
a truly graceful person, such was her
feminine, almost divine grace, she was always up and ready for the day ahead in
the most endearing smile and never smirked, got irritated and showed attitude,
even during the transition period that every wan goes through the hormonal
fluctuations and mood swings, never saw any of that. In fact, it amazes me that
I never have seen my Mom over sleep, over eat or over speak, everything was in
moderation and controlled, her emotions, her words, her interactions, the only thing
she had in abundance was this patience and the capacity to endure everything
life threw at her with such extraordinary forbearance.
Always having the utmost hygiene in
everything, orderly and organised and a martinet she strictly enforced and was
a sticker to cleanliness, I was always conscious of showing up unkempt in-front
of her and made an attempt to be ready to meet her, her room always had more
natural light, was always a brightly lit room, spic and span, even the
wardrobe, always neatly arranged and properly pressed and in sets of matching
colours, each of her personal and professional as well as the family heirlooms(
all of them of great significance in symbolism and denoting a particular
quality or essence which was all placed in a particular order which she always
remembered and retrieved when required).
Her Hospitality came from heart and
was full of care and kindness for all,
The Considerate person she was, her
care for the elderly, the sick and for those who are weak or are in need made
it seem like she was the richest person and made me realise being generous and
being materially rich is unrelated ,one could be full of resources but if there
is no effort from one to be of some help to others there would be sharing, help
or doing something significant for others.
Duty bound and Honourable
Apart from being a model mother where
she only exposed us to the right things and sorted out the wrong without making
it seem she was being the saviour, she took up challenges and responsibilities
asking for more responsibility even when we wanted her to do nothing and enjoy
retirement and free time.
She didn’t believe in retirement,
there was always a sense of being duty bound in doing even the simplest to the
most profound of tasks.
She took it on herself to remember
and offer obeisance and prayers to the departed.
The remembrance for the elders, the
departed and the loved ones, was both an obeisance and a celebration of
their lives, she did it without fail remembering everyone’s passing and marking
the day with her customary hospitality inviting people for lunch and dinner
telling us about the lives and the contributions and the impact on her, the
family and others offering us a window into the past.
Responsible and Conscientious
Despite where we lived we always had
plants (crotons, I heard the word from her and she explained it to me and to
this day I remember it )inside the house, and in the corridors and the terrace
when we had one, the interiors and the furniture, the drapes the beds, linens,
bed sheets, the curtains and carpets, the colours and placement and the reason
behind the wall colours all of it was inculcated in us as an ongoing project
and I have incorporated all of that in my school projects and later in my
presentations and profession.
Career woman, Strong willed and
With a large family, a huge visiting guest list and an even longer list of relatives who stayed for weeks, months and years, she and father made sure the guests, though mostly from Dad’s side were never made to feel uncomfortable, with so many of the cousins and far relatives telling how she took care of them, it is a wonder that she also managed a successful career as a full time head-mistress and secretary of the school while also teaching full time, wonder how she managed to cook for such a large contingent at home while being there to work every morning walking and traveling long distances. She and when she was finally rested for the rituals the maternal grand aunt gave out the heartfelt sympathy filled testimony telling how many times the wobbly knees have been injured taking so many beatings on the way to way and back as she strode towards one responsibility to the other never tiring nor complaining despite the lifelong suffering from limited mobility due to the knees in terms of walking and climbing stairs, but how she always rose and not just pursued her family's interests, but to do her best for the family, the relatives and the society and country. She was a true patriot who was never dogmatic but believed in one earth, one race and that spirituality is all inclusive while hard work and the enduring spirit defines our level of faith.
As I was traveling this morning and carrying her Urn, I realised how difficult it is to carry a weight that you cannot drop, and for someone who believed in physical and mental strength taking pride in my physical prowess and ability to focus, I felt so humbled looking at mothers in general and how it might have felt for my mother to bear an overweight foetus for the seventh time, and that is nine months times seven children, 63 months, which is 5 and a quarter years of weight bearing. progressive overload where you can't drop the weights if you are tired, can't pass it on to others for even a second, nor share or exchange the responsibility nor lose focus lest you trip and with the wobbly knees and apparently weak knees she endured and sustained as an endurance athlete, and had to traverse through the obstacle course called life with its glorious uncertainties and fast growing children of all ages including an infant at the time I was born, and yet she said she was back at work in a matter of 3 days and managed it all when maternity leaves and post-natal physical and mental health was unheard of, all she had was a small ecosystem that she had created while completing her studies as a mother of three children, fighting a law suit and successfully fighting against a school mafia, retrieving and then running the institution for the next 30 odd years and raising all six surviving children marrying off children and relatives' children and setting up the base for everyone to function and flourish and following up whenever there was a crisis in any of our immediate and extended families with such wisdom and grace it is almost mythical proportions when we hear them all from the people who were the beneficiaries even while there were multiple long lasting crises that sometimes had legal and violent ramifications, yet she maintained her focus, the sanity and sanctity of the family and the decorum of the educational institution that she ran and resolving great many problems in the most honourable way. And considering the fact that she not only stood and carried herself and the family in her so called weak legs, it is a testament to her true grit and unflinching commitment that she carried the entire family and the institution on her shoulders for all her adult life which begun at 17 years and comparing it to mine where even after 42 years, I am still not a true responsible adult and have been a burden that she bore for 42 years unlike my other 5 siblings who she harboured for half that time. So here I am totally humbled and in awe of my mother who gave me an extended childhood and all its perks that lasted more than 4 decades.
With an impact such as this and a
life so enormous in its significance and span, I just
cannot fathom how she even managed the never ending crisis
that seemed to plague the family for most and all of her working years and
starting at the age of 17 or 18, and yet she completed 37 years of
teaching and school administration with a splendid and spotless record, I
can only think of her as the lotus that blooms and extends beauty and respect
to the entire pond or lake and elevates the entire ecosystem.
Looking after children and a very
naughty and often troublesome youngest son she was often summoned from school
in emergencies and would never beat or yell at me for being hyperactive,
instead enrolled me for RSS training and then to Martial Arts when I was 8 and
9 years old, setting up and defining my entire career, I couldn't handle
the stress of seeing her go through the eye check-up and treatment and now I
was literally paralysed when she had the heart attack, and am dumbfounded and
in despair as she was lay motionless, I could only think of her strength,
endurance and forbearance and the grace and composure she showed for over seven
decades of a tumultuous life as hard and as uncertain and unstable as it gets
replete with the glorious uncertainties and very little as respite and
recourse, yet she did it all with the customary grace that we all took for
I now realise, it is not just the
Mother, teacher, mentor, guide and inspiration that lay in the Urn, it
was this giant of a human, a goliath of graciousness, and a heart that spanned
across a lifetime of grit, work, sweat, blood and a body that sustained
ceaseless responsibilities and the spirit that epitomises resourcefulness that
transcended generations, the Urn now was so heavy and me so weak, my mind, body
and spirit caved in and I passed it to my brother and sisters and only got it
at the very end as part of the ritual and I could barely hold and hold myself
and my emotions.
she was a normal homemaker, and like
all the home makers, that is taken for granted by husbands, children, families,
co-workers, society and foremost by sons like me who think we are in some way
macho, but she was the epitome of womanhood, motherhood and a symbolic
representation of the millions of mothers who are taken for granted, the great realised
souls that live amongst us rather than in the ashrams and forests, the great
endurance athletes who not just fight in an event but fight a lifelong battle
against insurmountable odds with little or no support and more importantly
cannot afford to lose as they fight not just to sustain a family, they as
mothers, teachers and the cross bearers of society beat the weight of nations
and of humanity, we cannot have a world of humans without these mothers, not
only are they strong, they define true strength in every manner possible and
more, they nurture us while they are here, teaching us, healing us,
facilitating everything for us, the biggest burden is that they are even
expected to sustain us even after father time calls it a day.
And I didn't even mention the Soul,
as I don't know about the soul, can cannot even comprehend the power and the
strength of that soul, it cannot be contained, and we know through the Bhagavad
Gita and the Ancient Indian texts and through the Mother's teachings that it is
ceaseless, boundless and cannot be destroyed by death or father time, that came
in as a saving grace, the ultimate blessing that I can take some courage and
draw from the strength of my mother's spirit and the everlasting soul, the
beacon of hope amidst my crumbling world.
Yet, I feel and I know she will watch
over me and I won't be alone, she offered me all my strength, my entire life
till this day, and I now rely on the same hope, strength and inspiration
through all the lessons and solutions through her life and the same will
be true to my siblings, our family and the extended family who have relied on
Our Mother and mothers like her offer
us not just shelter in their womb, and in the homes, they offer sanctuary to
our very lives, the spirit and soul.
Be at Peace, Mother,
But may your soul and life lessons
continue to inspire and continue to be the force that sustains us and our
lives, and Long live Motherhood, the greatest force that sustains all life and
hope for humanity.
Om Shanti...
Arjun, I believe very few children fully understands their parents' Attributes. Your understanding of your mother is awesome. No Son can reveal/explain to this human race so comprehensively the true Love, forbearance, sincerity, hospitality, guidance, patience, responsibility, spirituality and other attributes of a mother for her own children, relatives and not confined tither, finally the motherhood like you. That to you wrote all these when travelling with mother's Urn. It was heart touching to me. She was truly a GREAT UNIVERSITY. God be with you and comfort you all.